Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Aj tz'ib' Justin Kerr

Aj tz'ib' is a Maya word for "scribe" or "he of the writing". I added it as a title to Justin's name out of respect for the many years of work that Justin and his wife Barbara have done to aid in making the iconography and glyphs found on ancient Maya ceramics available to the public and to scholars. To see and search his online database go here:
http://www.mayavase.com/. Justin has been leading the Iconography Workshop at the Austin Maya Meetings for 26 years and he will do so once again in 2009. His classes are always animated, with lively discussions about glyphs and iconography.

Here is an excerpt from an article about Justin and Barbara that first appeared in Archaeology Magazine, Volume 56, no. 6, Nov/Dec 2006 by Tom Gidwitz "Picture Perfect: How an ingenious former fashion photographer managed to capture on film the mind and spirit of the ancient Maya"
In a cluttered studio in New York's Flatiron district, a thousand-year old Maya vase spins slowly on a turntable. On its painted surface is a puzzling scene: a ruler sitting on a bearded dragon gazes down at a baby in the hands of a black-eyed death god." To read the rest of the article go to: http://www.tomgidwitz.com/main/perfect.htm

Video on how to do rollouts http://www.mesoweb.com/features/Rollout/index.html

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